Custom Marketing Data
Column Headers
Marketing data must be custom exported in CSV format like the following example header row. It is important to use the exact column headers shown in the example below.
Date,Channel,Campaign,Country,Source App,Spend,Impressions
For files that contain data for multiple apps, the following example header row must be used instead where each line specifies the app's store ID in the Store ID column.
Date,Store ID,Channel,Campaign,Country,Source App,Spend,Impressions
The dimensional columns (Channel, Campaign, and Source App) are restricted based on the granularity you selected in your pricing plan. Source App usually refers to the publisher app or sub-publisher on SDK or video ad networks and keyword ID on most search platforms, but it can contain any sub-campaign level you wish. Simply omit any columns from your CSVs that are not included in your pricing plan based on the following table.
Granularity | Supported Columns |
Channel | Country*, Channel* |
Campaign | Country*, Channel*, Campaign |
Site | Country*, Channel*, Campaign, Source App |
An asterisk (*) indicates a required column that must be present in the file even if there's no value.
Metric Columns
The table below specifies the column headers that must be used. At least one of either Spend or Impressions must be specified for each line.
Blanks (empty values) should be used for any metric columns that aren’t desired or are unsupported by a particular channel or media partner.
Metric | Column Header |
Spend | Spend |
Impressions | Impressions |
Remember, the only columns that are required are Date, Country, Channel, and at least one of either Spend or Impressions. If both Spend and Impressions are available, they can both have values.
In the example below, Best Ad Network doesn’t report spend at the source app level.
Date,Channel,Campaign,Country,Source App,Spend,Impressions
2020-01-01,Best Ad Network,Best Campaign,US,,11000.00,100000.00
Updated on: 31/08/2022
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